October 04, 2006

A Brief Rant on Pointlessness

This morning i rolled out of bed at 7ish am (after falling asleep on my criminal law book at 2am) to brave the morning rush hour on the joyous London transport system in order to attend a seminar on legal research which was apparently vital to our survival in law school. Sounded promising enough. Imagine my at first amusement progrssing speedily to anger at discovering that the legal research seminar consisted of the most monotonous sounding library man telling us that the main source for our research would be the library. Yes, thats right. You heard me. This stunning stream of enlightenment does not stop there. Did you know for instance that within this thing they call a library we would have several things at our disposal namely: a)books; b)journals; c)law reports; d)the internet. I jest not.
I was so overcome with this epistemological accretion within 5 minutes i was reading a book i thankfully am used to carrying with me in case of transport lockdown. It was quite an achievement to shut off the perpetual drone of condescension in the background.
Is it really too much to assume that as individuals required to have a degree (or two, or a masters) before attending law school we would have encountered the thing they call a book?
Pointless, utterly utterly pointless...


Blogger Noa said...

[...]Bpp Sausage Factory [...] they assume nothing and feed you everything [...] required for quality Bppork sausages made in England- no brain required. :-)

8:58 pm  
Blogger The Bedouin Project said...

what are these "books" you speak of?

9:13 am  
Blogger Balcancan said...

I'm a BPP pork-chop! A minion! Nooooooo, I must stop this brain seepage! Quick, someone fetch me....::drum roll::...a BOOK!

Book: (noun) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bOc; akin to Old High German buoh book, Gothic boka letter
1 a : a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory b : a set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together into a volume c : a long written or printed literary composition d : a major division of a treatise or literary work....

I think they were talking about tablets of wood naturally.

12:52 pm  
Blogger xachariah said...

whatever happened to the blogging? and there was so much promise as well... though i'm one to speak having jumped on and off the proverbial wagon once too many times...

11:47 pm  
Blogger Balcancan said...

Patience Iago.....creation takes time. :P

10:30 pm  
Blogger The Bedouin Project said...

Don't tease us with a few additional blog postings only to pull the plug again woman, come on, post damn you, post!

12:20 pm  

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