October 26, 2005

When you are OLD...

Today I turned 23. Yes, the 26th of October. The same birthday as Trotsky. Hurrah!
Aside from revelling in this bizarre revolutionary connection, I feel old, though i see no coming of wiseness. And this scares me. Why? I suddenly feel that the clockwork of time is gyrating faster and faster, and i am running out of time! Not being of the persuasion that life is but a preparation for death, i feel like we have only one chance to make the most of what we've got. There is so much to do! So much to see!
Perhaps one day, I , like Yeats will find consolation in my own Byzantium, some sort of articfice of eternity, no longer concerned "of what is past, or passing, or to come.." Maybe the body is really a dying animal, and our time in purgatory just another learning experience for the soul....
Until i figure this out, can someone please pass me the cookies?


Blogger Noa said...

Baby, you are not old! And please post some more blogs, I miss them. Its nearly new year by now.... Miss you online as well....

9:41 pm  

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