Papa Marx
Yours truly attended a lecture on constitutional and administrative law the other day. ("Attended"? Pffft, i had no choice in the matter. Still.) My lecturer is a wonderfully chipper and cynical Irishman, who loves power point, but above all loves adding randomn pictures in his slides to keep us awake. Yes pretty pictures = longer attention span. So mid-lecture, he starts discussing various thinkers who have ranted...nay, written about the rule of law. Suddenly, on the slides appears a picture of the one and only Karl Marx. And Irish lecturer says:
"Anyone recognize that picture? It's the original Papa Smurf. You might all know him as Karl Marx."
This wonderful little gem of a comment put me in a deliriously giggly mood for the rest of the day. Marx must be turning in his grave. Beard allowing.
A Brief Rant on Pointlessness
This morning i rolled out of bed at 7ish am (after falling asleep on my criminal law book at 2am) to brave the morning rush hour on the joyous London transport system in order to attend a seminar on legal research which was apparently vital to our survival in law school. Sounded promising enough. Imagine my at first amusement progrssing speedily to anger at discovering that the legal research seminar consisted of the most monotonous sounding library man telling us that the main source for our research would be the library. Yes, thats right. You heard me. This stunning stream of enlightenment does not stop there. Did you know for instance that within this thing they call a library we would have several things at our disposal namely: a)books; b)journals; c)law reports; d)the internet. I jest not. I was so overcome with this epistemological accretion within 5 minutes i was reading a book i thankfully am used to carrying with me in case of transport lockdown. It was quite an achievement to shut off the perpetual drone of condescension in the background. Is it really too much to assume that as individuals required to have a degree (or two, or a masters) before attending law school we would have encountered the thing they call a book? Pointless, utterly utterly pointless...
Forgive me readers, for i have sinned. It has been almost a year since my last confession. And despite my last blog post being a moan about being old, and being 23, this has turned out to be a pretty damn good year. So...instead of providing you with an excruciatingly detailed account of my life amounting to a certain cure for insomnia, here are the highlights...(think Oscars, except no designer gowns....or actors....or red carpet. Ok, scrap that analogy...)
From November to January i had a pretty steady routine of applications, applications, applications.....for a job that is. After countless rejections which made me feel the size of an ectoplasmic amoeba stuck on the toe of a fish in a muddy puddle, i had an interview with A Consulting Firm which basically told me they wouldn't hire me because i was too high risk. What does that mean? Well apparently, in their opinion and experience, i would get bored within 3 months and quit. Now, i see that as a compliment. Damn you Consulting Firm! You couldn't deal with my individualism! (Bitter? Moi?)
January i did a brief stint at Huge City Law Firm (thanks S!). Interviewed with them, but ended up arguing with one of the partners about morality of taking money from Russian oligarchs who might have got the money from dubious sources. "Suprisingly", i didn't get the job. For those of you interviewing with big city law firms, please note, they do not care where the money comes from. Gottit?
Then started working for Big Newspaper in advertising. Lots of fun, and loved it!
In March, interviewed with another Big City Law Firm - and amazingly, got a job! Yes, i have sold my soul to the corporate Mephistopheles - but at least it is for a good price. Right? Right??? They are sponsoring me through 2 years of law school. And that dear readers is precisely what i am doing now. After a summer of travelling (Macedonia, Kuwait, Germany & Austria) I have just started my law conversion course, aka 3 years of law squished into one. And so far, i am absolutely loving it. Yes, yes, there IS an ulterior motive here for relaunching the blog. I need to procrastrinate now that i actually have work to do! I need a creative outlet for my chaotic brain!
Anyway, without further ado....relaunch complete!